The Wright Brothers Were the first people to build and successfully fly a heavier-than-air, powered, controlled, flight. They were able to accomplish this by the help of others, and their bicycle engineering skills. They became interested in flying at a young age. Their father had given them a cork helicopter. This fascinated them and motivated them to try to build and improve it. After many years they had built the Wright flyer. It was flown on December 17, 1903. At 10:53 a.m. the wheels took off of the sand, and soared into the sky 120 feet later Orville successfully landed it. This flight has impacted today in so many ways. The impacts involved, cargo planes, passenger planes, N.A.S.A., and even the Air Force. The Wright Brothers were marvels of aviation and their action in the flights had led to their everlasting legacy of the first man to successfully fly a heavier-than-air, powered controllable plane.

     From the beginning of time, man has wanted to have wings like an eagle and to soar into the open skies. Many have tried; in doing so perished. All that changed on a chilly, windswept morning at 10:35a.m., December 7, 1903. As Wilbur trotted alongside the 1903 flyer with Orville at the controls and John Dannels at the Kotona V (camera), the plane leached forward. As the plane left the track, John Dannels squeezed the shutter bulb, which engraved an everlasting image in the face of humanity.

The home of the Wright Brothers in 1900 

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