The Wright Legacy

The Wright Brothers had a major effect om the current use of flying today. Their actions inspired others to achieve their goals and inspired others to invent new technology. They made many achievements that influenced military power as well as transportation. These new advancements led to a new era for the world and was a major key in the World Wars following the flight.

 The US Global Power

     The Wright Brothers also lead to a new type of war fare. Although not intended by either of the two brothers, the plane was used for global war instead of peace. These letters show later ideas for the plane letters between Franklin D Roosevelt and Orville:

"…We all hope that, after the war, aviation will have a commanding position in maintaining peace. That is what you wish and that is what we must begin thinking about…"

FDR to Wilbur

"… I hope when the time comes our people will be willing to make such sacrifices as are necessary to secure a lasting peace…"

Wilbur to FDR

Military Advancements and Uses

     The Wright Brothers changed the military forever. About a decade after the first flight, the Germans used the planes to attack other European countries and achieve total power in Europe. Becauase the United States could produce airplanes at such a break-neck pace, the US were able to dominate the skies and defeat Germany. In 1941, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor using water based planes. The Empire was able to cripple our entire navel fleet stationed in Pearl Harbor. We turned into a war machine and out produced the Germans causeing them to lose the war.

A New Form of Military

After World War 2, there was a new branch of the military created called the Air Force, which controls all land based aerial activity in the US military. There were also advancements for the Navy, which uses aircraft carriers to have a mobile water based platform to land on. The marines now also use planes in their operations. The helicopter was based on the idea of a giant wing of an airplane spinning rapidly to produce lift which is currently used by all branches of the Military. 

Others Personal Achivements

The Wright Brothers were a huge inspiration to many in the aeronautics business. William E. Boeing, the founder of Boeing Co, founded the most successful airplane manufacturing business that currently exists today. Alan Sheppard became the first free man to travel into space in the Friendship 7. Chuck Yeager became the first man to travel over the speed of sound in the Bell-X1.

 Foudations and Legistation

     Wright Brothers or have recognized the Wright Brothers. The first would be the Dayton foundation, which has a sub-section dedicated to the Wright Brothers alone. The next foundation is a city college in Chicago named after Wilbur Wright: Wilbur Wright College. There is also a Wright State University. In addition to all the foundations, there is also a whole known set of laws needed to maintain safety in the sky pertaining to air rights, air traffic laws, safety requirement, and many other air related laws. The Wright Brothers Legacy still stands today and will always affect the world that humans will live in.

The Boeing 787 - Boeings most modern plane used for commercial flying. 

 P-51 Mustang - A commen WWII plane used by the Americans

Chuck Yeager's Bell X-1 which he flew to break the speed of sound. 

The United States Air Force Symbol 

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